Mayors' Monarch Pledge Survey

Welcome to the
Mayors' Monarch Pledge Survey

Thanks for your interest in taking the National Wildlife Federation Mayors' Monarch Pledge this year. Only mayors and heads of local and tribal government (or their staff designees) may fill out this pledge form. Please note: the survey will not save and will need to be completed in one sitting.

Information from this form will be used to create a public community profile page to showcase your mayor's progress and efforts in the program.

Please be sure to read the pledge language and FAQ before taking the pledge. If you have any questions, you can email us at

Mayor's Basic Information

Please add the basic information for the mayor or head of local or tribal government in this section. If the community does not have a "mayor", enter the appropriate title for the head of local or tribal government below.
Note: if you are completing this survey on behalf of the mayor or head of local or tribal government, include their information below. The next sections will collect your contact information as the staff point of contact.

If your community doesn't have an official name, consider using the following formats:
Town of Herndon, City of Fairfax, etc.

Mayor's Mailing Address

Staff Point of Contact

Please provide your professional title in the space below.
Please note that the Staff Point of Contact you entered below will be the default user for your Community Profile. Please make sure you enter a valid email address.

Note: This email address is your log in account.

Pledge Summary

Action Item Selections

Each year, you must commit to at least 3 Action Items from this list which you will report on at the end of the year. At least 1 Action must be taken from the "Program & Demonstration Gardens" section.

Required Actions Selected: 0 of 3

Communications and Convening

Example Activities
  • Issue a Monarch Day Pledge
  • Incorporate monarchs into your Earth Day, Pollinator Week or other proclamation

Example Activities
  • Develop community gardens with local gardening leaders
  • Host programming and other activities with Nature Centers
  • Coordinate and collaborate with local gardening groups at schools, colleges, and universities

Example Activities
  • Conduct outreach and support habitat / green space improvements in underserved communities
  • Develop brochures in different languages

Example Activities
  • Host photo contests
  • Comission murals
  • Create and show films and documentaries
  • Support public art installations
  • Collaborate with local artists, including school, college, and university art departments to create community-wide art

Program and Demonstration Gardens

Example Activities

Example Activities

Example Activities
  • Host photo challenges
  • Create property certification challenges
  • Collaborate with schools, universities, and colleges to host joint awareness and habitat creation challenges

Example Activities
  • NWF’s Monarch stewards program certification
  • Engage with local colleges and universities science departments to host community-wide opportunities
  • Monarch Migration Tracking (Journey North)

Example Activities
  • Partner with volunteers and/or stakeholder organizations to remove herbaceous and woody invasive plants from city parks and other natural areas.
  • Host educational events to teach community members about invasive plant identification and how to safely remove invasives from their personal properties
  • Create a distributable list of invasive species to your ecoregion to share with stakeholders and community members

Example Activities

Systems Change

Please select the actions that the you will begin to work on this year, are in progress, or have already been completed.

Example Activities

Example Activities
  • Work with local school districts to eliminate or minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides on school properties
  • Adopt Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices
  • Adopt “chemical-free” landscape practices at city-maintained parks, municipal buildings, and/or other city-maintained properties

Example Activities

Question or Comments

Review Information

Mayor's Basic Information Edit Section

First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Community Edit Section


Mayor's Mailing Address Edit Section

Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Staff Point of Contact Edit Section

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number

Pledge Summary Edit Section


Action Item Selection Edit Section

Communications and Convening

Program and Demonstrations Gardens

Systems Change

Question & Comments Edit Section