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Plant Festival at Hollis Garden (City of Lakeland Botanical Garden)
11/29/2022 3:21:37 PM |
There were vendors at this City of Lakeland sponsored event selling butterfly plants.
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City Hall Butterfly Garden
11/29/2022 3:24:12 PM |
This Garden was established by the Horticultural Specialist, Bill Koen.
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Hollis Garden Becomes NABA Recertified
11/29/2022 3:27:52 PM |
Hollis Garden (a city owned and maintained botanical garden) became recertified as a butterfly garden by the North American Butterfly Association in 2021.
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Florida Atala Butterfly Release
11/29/2022 3:30:55 PM |
The city of Lakeland in conjunction with Metamorphosis Butterfly Co. released Florida Atalas in 2016.
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