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Pledge Date

Friday, January 14, 2022

Program Year


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Village of Buffalo Grove

Buffalo Grove, IL

Beverly Sussman

Village President

Pledge Summary

This past year we continued to plant milkweed as directed by Jeff Weiss in conjunction with the BG public works projects. I spoke to Rotary in Glenview, and held several zoom meetings with Sierra Club Woods & Wetlands group subcommittee called Milkweed for Monarchs Campaign. We have partnered with other Monarch groups locally, both in meetings and activities. Northwest Cook County Sierra Club and Ancient Oaks foundation are two of these groups we associate with, along with providing plants and material by Monarch Joint Venture bookmarks and brochures for handouts at events. Milkweed seed packets were supplied by me and handed out at Farmers Markets in various communities and the Green Fair in BG. Monarch butterfly/pollinator gardens were planted by us at 6 locations in the area supported by the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council environmental social committee which I lead. Prairie restoration, including seed collection, cleaning and redistribution lead again by Jeff Weiss helped other areas be restored for pollinator and butterfly habitat. All together we can say 8-10 Action items were addressed in the NWF Monarch Pledge program.

Community Spotlight

Action Items Committed for 2022

Communications and Convening

  • Engage with gardening leaders and partners (e.g., Master Naturalists, Master Gardeners, Nature Centers, Native Plant Society Chapters , other long-standing and influential community leaders) to support monarch butterfly conservation.
  • Engage with city parks and recreation, public works, sustainability, and other relevant staff to identify opportunities to revise and maintain mowing programs and milkweed / native nectar plant planting programs.
  • Launch or maintain a public communication effort to encourage residents to plant monarch gardens at their homes or in their neighborhoods. (If you have community members who speak a language other than English, we encourage you to also communicate in that language; Champion Pledges must communicate in that language.)

Program and Demonstration Gardens

  • Display educational signage at monarch gardens and pollinator habitat.
  • Launch or maintain an outdoor education program(s) (e.g., at schools, after-school programs, community centers and groups) that builds awareness and creates habitat by engaging students, educators, and the community in planting native milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants (i.e., National Wildlife Federation’s Schoolyard Habitats program and Monarch Mission curriculum).
  • Plant milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants along roadsides, medians, or public rights-of-way.
  • Plant or maintain a monarch and pollinator-friendly demonstration garden at City Hall or another prominent or culturally significant community location.
  • Host or support a native seed or plant sale, giveaway or swap.

Systems Change

  • Increase the percentage of native plants, shrubs and trees that must be used in city landscaping ordinances and encourage use of milkweed, where appropriate.
  • Remove milkweed from the list of noxious plants in city weed / landscaping ordinances (if applicable).