Community Profile

Pledge Status


Pledge Date

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Program Year





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City of Loretto

Loretto, MN

Kent Koch


Pledge Summary

The City of Loretto is a small city, population 647, on the western edge of Hennepin County, Minnesota. Our Mayor and City Council Members have once again unanimously supported renewing the Mayors' Monarch Pledge. 2023 will be Loretto's fifth year participating in the pledge. The city is committed to improving the Monarch habitat through community education, planting and maintaining milkweed and pollinator gardens at city parks and supporting a milkweed seed giveaway.

Community Spotlight

Action Items Committed for 2023

Communications and Convening

  • Engage with city parks and recreation, public works, sustainability, and other relevant staff to identify opportunities to revise and maintain mowing programs and milkweed / native nectar plant planting programs.
  • Launch or maintain a public communication effort to encourage residents to plant monarch gardens at their homes or in their neighborhoods. (If you have community members who speak a language other than English, we encourage you to also communicate in that language; Champion Pledges must communicate in that language.)

Program and Demonstration Gardens

  • Host or support a native seed or plant sale, giveaway or swap.