Mayors' Monarch Pledge Reporting

Action Item ReportingRequired Section 1 of 2

Answers to the following questions are required.

Your Action Item Selections (6)Required Section 2 of 2

Action 1:

Issue a proclamation to raise awareness about the decline of the monarch butterfly and the species’ need for habitat. This proclamation must incorporate a focus on monarch conservation.
Action 2:

Launch or maintain a public communication effort to encourage residents to plant monarch gardens at their homes or in their neighborhoods. (If you have community members who speak a language other than English, we encourage you to also communicate in that language; Champion Pledges must communicate in that language.)
Action 10:

Host or support a native seed or plant sale, giveaway or swap.
Action 12:

Plant or maintain a monarch and pollinator-friendly demonstration garden at City Hall or another prominent or culturally significant community location.
Action 13:

Convert vacant lots to monarch habitat.
Upload any relevant documents, images, or other attachments related to your effort on this action.
Pollinator Demonstration Garden at the Village Hall.JPG
7 MB
1.6 MB
1.4 MB
1.3 MB
Marigold Seeds for Mundelein (2).png
260.9 KB
Mundelein Monarch Pledge proof.pdf
191.2 KB

Where is the monarch habitat located? (Please provide an address, if possible)

What community organizations, groups, or leaders (if any) did you partner with or engage to complete this effort?

What is the total acreage of land that has been converted? Please limit your answer to only the number of acres in the answer field below (e.g., 2 acres). For reference, 1 acre = 43,560 square feet and is about the size of a football field without the end zones.

How many lots were converted to monarch habitat? Please limit your answer to only the number of lots in the answer field below (e.g., 3)

Please describe when the lots were converted to monarch habitat and the planned maintenance schedule.

Action 21:

Host or support a monarch butterfly festival that is accessible to all residents in the community and promotes monarch and pollinator conservation, as well as cultural awareness and recognition.