* Action Item ReportingRequired Section 1 of 2
* Answers to the following questions are required.
* Your Action Item Selections (14)Required Section 2 of 2
Action 4:
Engage with city parks and recreation, public works, sustainability, and other relevant staff to identify opportunities to revise and maintain mowing programs and milkweed / native nectar plant planting programs.
Action 5:
Engage with gardening leaders and partners (e.g., Master Naturalists, Master Gardeners, Nature Centers, Native Plant Society Chapters , other long-standing and influential community leaders) to support monarch butterfly conservation.
Action 7:
Engage with developers, planners, landscape architects, and other community leaders and organizers engaged in planning processes to identify opportunities to create monarch habitat.
Action 10:
Host or support a native seed or plant sale, giveaway or swap.
Action 11:
Facilitate or support a milkweed seed collection and propagation effort.
Action 14:
Plant milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants along roadsides, medians, or public rights-of-way.
Upload any relevant documents, images, or other attachments related to your effort on this action.
Where are the medians, roadsides and public rights-of-way? (Please provide an address or coordinates, if possible, or describe the location)
How many milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants were planted?
What is the total acreage of median and public right-of-way that has been planted with milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants?
Please describe the maintenance schedule for these planted areas.
Action 15:
Launch or maintain an outdoor education program(s) (e.g., at schools, after-school programs, community centers and groups) that builds awareness and creates habitat by engaging students, educators, and the community in planting native milkweed and pollinator-friendly native nectar plants (i.e., National Wildlife Federation’s Schoolyard Habitats program and Monarch Mission curriculum).
Action 20:
Launch, expand, or continue an invasive species removal program that will support the re-establishment of native habitat for monarch butterflies and other pollinators.
Action 22:
Display educational signage at monarch gardens and pollinator habitat.
Action 23:
Remove milkweed from the list of noxious plants in city weed / landscaping ordinances (if applicable).
Action 24:
Change weed or mowing ordinances to allow for native prairie and plant habitats.
Action 25:
Increase the percentage of native plants, shrubs and trees that must be used in city landscaping ordinances and encourage use of milkweed, where appropriate.
Action 26:
Launch, expand, or continue an effort to change municipal planting ordinances and practices to include more native milkweed and native nectar producing plants at city properties.
Action 28:
Reduce or eliminate the use of herbicides, pesticides, or other chemicals that are harmful to monarchs and pollinators and urban wildlife.